On-Site Reciprocal Circulation
Reciprocal circulation is a collaborative service whereby the faculty, staff and students of participating university libraries within the Greater Western Library Alliance consortium (GWLA) may borrow library materials on-site at other participating member libraries.
GWLA On-Site Reciprocal Circulation Agreement (2014) (PDF, 62 kb; link opens in new tab)
Institutional Contacts & Authentication Requirements
Arizona State University (AZS)
Tempe, AZ
Mary Plummer (mary.plummer @ asu.edu ; 480-965-5622)
Allison Leaming Malecki (allison.malecki @ asu.edu; 602-496-5714)
Stephen Arougheti (stephen.arougheti @ asu.edu; 480-965-7564)
Authentication: University ID and log into University's website to verify current status.
Baylor University (IYU)
Waco, TX
Ellen Filgo (Ellen_Filgo @ baylor.edu ; 254-710-2968)
Authentication: Present a government issue photo ID and log into home library account.
Brigham Young University (UBY)
Provo, UT
Shannon Sanders (shannon_sanders @ byu.edu ; 801-422-8663)
Authentication: Current university ID, government issued ID with photo, and one piece of mail to verify address.
The Claremont Colleges (HDC)
Claremont, CA
[Not Participating]
Colorado State University (COF)
Fort Collins, CO
[Not Participating]
Iowa State University (IWA)
Ames, IA
Angie Brown (ambrown @ iastate.edu ; 515-294-0448)
Authentication: University ID and current driver's license or photo ID. $5.00 card fee.
Kansas State University (KKS)
Manhattan, KS
Scott Kickbusch (skickbusch @ ksu.edu ; 785-532-7440)
Authentication: Current university ID and current driver's license; current address.
Oklahoma State University (OKS)
Stillwater, OK
Whitney Hilley (whitney.vitale @ okstate.edu ; 405-744-7142)
Authentication: Identify as GWLA and present valid university ID and valid driver's license or other government-issued photo ID.
Oregon State University (ORE)
Corvallis, OR
Steve Weber, (valley.circ @ oregonstate.edu ; 541-737-7254)
Authentication: Identify as GWLA and present valid ID from home institution.
Rice University (RCE)
Houston, TX
[Not Participating]
Southern Illinois University (SOI)
Carbondale, IL
Marissa Ellermann (mellermann @ lib.siu.edu ; 618-453-1159)
Steve Sawyer (ssawyer @ lib.siu.edu ; 618-453-2754)
Authentication: University or government ID; verification with home library.
Southern Methodist University (ISM)
Dallas, TX
[Not Participating]
Texas A&M University (TXA)
College Station, TX
Rameka Barnes (rbarnes @ tamu.edu ; 979-862-2479)
Authentication: Government issue picture ID and proof of university affiliation.
Texas State University (TXI)
San Marcos, TX
Paivi Rentz (prentz @ txstate.edu ; 512-245-8877)
Authentication: University ID or valid government issued photo ID and log into home library or university account.
Texas Tech University (ILU)
Lubbock, TX
Katie DeVet (libraries.docdel @ ttu.edu; 806-742-2239)
Authentication: Driver's license and current university ID.
University of Arizona (AZU)
Tucson, AZ
Helen Quihuis (hquihuis @ email.arizona.edu ; 520-345-9347)
Authentication: Current driver's license and either current university ID or log in to university account.
University of Arkansas (AFU)
Fayetteville, AR
[Not Participating]
University of Colorado at Boulder (COD)
Boulder, CO
Bethany Arellano (bethany.arellano @ colorado.edu ; 303-492-9255)
Curt Williams (curt.williams @ colorado.edu ; 303-492-3978)
Authentication: Log into home library or university account.
University of Delaware (DLM)
Newark, DE
[Not Participating]
University of Denver (DVP)
Denver, CO
Ryan Buller (ryan.buller @ du.edu ; 303-871-3418)
Authentication: Valid university ID and will need to log in and show a current student schedule.
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (HUH)
Honolulu, HI
Naomi Chow (nchow @ hawaii.edu ; 808-956-5951)
David Bowman (dgbowman @ hawaii.edu ; 808-956-7203)
Authentication: Current picture ID and email contact at GWLA library. 24-hour process.
University of Houston (TXH)
Houston, TX
Josh Denby (jdenby2 @ uh.edu ; 713-743-9771)
Quoc Phung (qphung @ uh.edu ; 713-743-9733)
Frances Sanchez (fsanchez @ uh.edu ; 713-743-9730)
Authentication: Current driver's license, or state issued ID, or passport.
University of Illinois at Chicago (IAY)
Chicago, IL
Dante Williams (dantewil @ uic.edu ; 312-996-2724)
Authentication: Current university ID; must have a photo ID available.
University of Kansas (KKU)
Lawrence, KS
Sarah Couch (scouch @ ku.edu ; 785-864-8979)
Christen Caton (ccaton @ ku.edu ; 785-864-1330)
Authentication: Government issued photo iD, university ID, and log into home library or university account. $10 fee.
University of Missouri at Columbia (MUU)
Columbia, MO
Cindy Cotner (cotnerc @ missouri.edu ; 573-882-4693
Authentication: University ID and verification of active status.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNL)
Las Vegas, NV
Jeffrey Berkbigler (jeffrey.berkbigler @ unlv.edu ; 702-895-2027)
Authentication: University ID.
University of Nevada, Reno (NNY)
Reno, NV
[Not Participating]
University of New Mexico (IQU)
Albuquerque, NM
Raelynn Richardson (rvgarcia @ unm.edu ; 505-925-9554)
Authentication: Photo ID / university ID, plus verification of current status.
University of Oklahoma (OKU)
Norman, OK
libcirc @ ou.edu ; 405-325-4790
Authentication: State or federal issued ID and university ID.
University of Oregon (ORU)
Eugene, OR
David Ketchum (dketchum @ uoregon.edu ; 541-346-1884)
Authentication: University photo ID or other government issued photo ID and log into home library or University account.
University of Southern California (CSL)
Los Angeles, CA
[Not Participating]
University of Texas at Austin (IXA)
Austin, TX
[Not Participating]
University of Utah (UUM)
Salt Lake City, UT
Alex Anderson (alex.m.anderson @ utah.edu ; 801-581-8203)
Authentication: Current university ID; Utah staff will contact home library/registrar.
University of Washington (WAU)
Seattle, WA
[Not Participating]
University of Wyoming (WYU)
Laramie, WY
[Not Participating]
Utah State University (UUS)
Logan, UT
Vicki Read (vicki.read @ usu.edu ; 435-797-2914)
Authentication: University ID and log into university's website to verify current status.
Washington State University (NTE)
Pullman, WA
Sue Shipman (sshipman @ wsu.edu ; 509-335-7761)
Authentication: Current university ID and current driver's license or approved photo ID.
Washington University in St. Louis (WTU)
St. Louis, MO
Beth Price (bethp @ wustl.edu; 314-935-8235 )
Authentication: Driver's license and current university ID.
Wayne State University (EYW)
Detroit, MI
[Not Participating]
West Virginia University (WVU)
Morgontown, WV
Hilary Fredette (Hilary.Fredette @ mail.wvu.edu ; 304-293-0318)
Authentication: Current university ID.